Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Student Snackers Malaysian Chilled Carrot & Orange Soup

Here is our Student snack recipe for February- enjoy!! Chef Maureen does it again.

Malaysian Chilled Carrot and Orange Soup

1 small onion sliced
1 Tbsp. Canola Oil
1 lb. carrots peeled and sliced
1 stalk of lemongrass, 1/2 minced and 1/2 left whole
1 small knob of ginger, 1/2 minced and 1/2 left whole
1 quart of fresh orange juice
1 quart of fresh carrot juice
1 small Thai bird chile, seeded
1 clove of garlic smashed
1 whole star anise
1 tsp. coriander seed
1/2 tsp. black peppercorns
10 cilantro stems

In a medium saucepot over medium low heat sweat the onion with a pinch of salt. When the onion is limp add the carrots, minced lemongrass, and minced ginger. Cover and let sweat while preparing the sachet. Cut a square of cheesecloth and place the whole lemongrass, whole ginger, chile, star anise, garlic, coriander, peppercorns, and cilantro stems on top. Roll up the cheesecloth like a burrito and securely tie with kitchen twine. Add the sachet and enough water to just cover the carrots. Bring to a boil and reduce immediately to a simmer, allow it to simmer for 30 minutes. Strain off all of the liquid, reserve separately, and discard sachet. Blend until smooth the carrot mixture with just enough of the reserved liquid to get it to turn, seasoning with salt as you blend. Chill the puree thoroughly. Once chilled add enough carrot and orange juice to adjust the consistency and flavor, if it’s still too thick add back some of the cooking liquid. Adjust the seasoning with salt if necessary. Serve extremely cold with a garnish of orange segments, cilantro sprigs, and candied ginger if desired.

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