Monday, December 28, 2009


Thank you to everyone (over 55 of you!!) who made my Santa Baby Workshops so fun, exciting and sucessful. I would love to hear how your private experience went if you are willing to share. I think we can all learn and grow from each other's stories.


  1. I shared with many of you already that previewed the routine for my bunny and didn't plan chair placement. So I had to ad lib a bit which worked out just fine. Tip - do NOT use shoes that can unexpectedly fly off your foot! Dangerous :) all-in-all a great experience.

  2. This is from a Santa Baby participant, she asked me to post it for her:

    "I did my routine for my husband on Christmas Eve night. He LOVED it and was so surprised. My cat got in on the performance too when he jumped up on my chair. We laughed. I forgot some moves but my husband didn't notice or care. My husband said it was his best gift ever!
