Monday, November 14, 2011

Las Vegas Pole Dance Styling

Got back early this morning from a 4 day quick trip to Las Vegas.  It wasn't a work trip for a change - just having fun with friends and fam.  We rented a motorcycle and went into Utah and Arizonia - absolutely beautiful country!

I noticed how there were poles everywhere - starting with the tram from the airport to baggage claim.  I found myself doing flirts and hip circles but a frown from my husband brought me back into context.

There were poles in restaurants, at the casinos, in the clubs - t-shirts sported ladies next to or on poles too!  It was like being at my studio with my own corral of 15 poles - or at home with my collection of 4 poles.  Funny thing was no one was using the poles - they were sad and empty and off limits to 'guests' (me).   I guess I never felt far from home, but it sure was good to get back home to my own poles and I danced on every single one of them today - because I could!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pole Dance Certification = bruises, burns and welts!

Wow what a week-end!  Friday was new Team Teacher Training 5-10pm; Pole Dance Instructor Certification levels 1-4 on Saturday 10-6pm; and back again for levels 5 & 6 today - 10-3:30pm; 

It is NOT all sassy, dancey fun - it's hard work and repeating spins over and over until you get it - and inevitably you also get - bruises, burns and welts!  Bruises - where?  inner thighs, knees, calves, feet.  Burns from the pole - where?  inner thighs and worst of all - armpits!  Welts?  Well bruises and burns can change into welts, but on top of feet and armpits were the most popular spots.

Does this happen when you take pole fitness classes or do a party - NO!!!! Don't want to scare you, but when you are training for up to 8 hours and then testing - bring some advil.

Congrats to all the ladies who successfully certified this week-end.  Proud of you!
