Here is the first installment of our routine (and explanation of the spins - just for Marcia :)
1-approach pole from the side of start place with sassy movements
2-stroke outside hand down the pole 4 counts while doing hip shifts
3-stroke inside hand down the pole for 4 counts while doing hip circles
4-both hands on pole do 2 sets of figure 8s up and down
5-step inside leg to face front as you grab pole with inside hand
6-step outside leg out to side and slap booty with outside hand
7-inside leg steps into chair, pirouette back to (not on) pole, step outside foot out to front so you are sidways
8-move into crab or backbend
9-step inside foot next to pole and outside away so back is to front
10-touch outside foot with outside hand keeping back and legs straight look over inside shoulder
11-grab pole with inside hand at shoulder level and step inside, outside and put outside hand on pole as you push off with inside foot into exploding v legs or a hop
12-walk 3-2-1 into first spin
FIREMAN - wrap outside leg around pole in front and bring inside leg up on back of pole
GORGEOUS - swing outside leg out and forward as you bring inside leg up also, both knees are bent, glutes are pulling out and away from pole, toes are pointed and knees are as far apart from each other as possible