Friday, October 14, 2011

Witchy Woman Workshop - routine 2011

Thank you for dancing with me! The song we dance to was "Witchy Woman" from the Bewitched soundtrack and it is available on i-tunes.
Set-up: chair is facing audience; you are 5 steps behind chair to the left of chair back, hands on hips and witch hat on!
-4 counts of hip dips each side
-hands go to raise hat, 4 hip circles as you raise hat high off your head
-left hand to the side (empty) right hand to the side with hat- drop hat, both hands on hips
-2 hip dips on right, hold
-4 flower petal turns around
-2 cross steps, on step out so your right side is facing front, wiggle for 4 counts running hands down body
-lean back, right hand on chair back, left hand raises gracefully overhead, bend knees for a dip
-come back up, left leg forward and right forward so you are facing front, legs wider than hip width
-1 full body circle, figure 8s, hip circles
-step left foot in front of chair, right meets it, circle to sitting on chair
-reach down to feet, up to knees with hair flip
-open right knee wide, then left, full body circle, 2 chest circles
-push right leg to right, knee bent, extend left leg straight, stroke down to left foot
-raise right foot into the air, remove sock, stroke sock on leg, throw to side
-left foot comes up into air with right, right hand goes to floor as you lean back onto chair seat
-one swoop and 2 triangle legs
-sit up, right leg way to right, then left leg joins, left leg straight, stroke down
-lift left leg up, remove sock, stroke and toss
-both hands on chair seat, both legs on floor, pump opening and closing knees, figure 8 pump
-place knees to right, stand up, flower petal turn to face back and walk to back of chair
-one large slow head circle, stroke down one side of chair slowly with hip to side then other side
-leave chair step to wall, lean back against wall facing foward
-tease with skirt
-body wave off wall, flower petal turn so back is facing audience
-large hip circles, tease with skirt
-begin to remove slowly from top, stop and hip circle when booty is 1/2 exposed, step feet together before removing the rest of the way - let it fall to floor
-step right foot out, big hip circles and booty bounce
-turn and pose with finger in mouth - you did it!!!!!

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