Ladies here it is: step by step directions for YOUR Santa Baby Performance!
Song: Santa Baby by the Pussy Cat Dolls
-chair seat is facing you, you are 4 steps in front of chair seat
-one hip out, hand on hip and other behind head, move hips in place 4 counts
-cross step walk 4 counts bringing knee to opposite elbow
-hands behind head as knee lifts and foot goes on chair as arms extend straight up
-hand on hip for hip dips up and down, roll hips, up and down
-put foot down on floor and both hands on chair back
-2 hip dips and 2 doubles, slow hip circle
-sit on chair facing seat back
-upper body roll, one to each side
-place forearm on chair back and place face in other palm to pose
-turn to one side with both legs
-stroke down to foot of one leg, come up and center, hand on hip and move elbow back and for blow a kiss
-lean back holding chair back and santa hant when center and erect cross one leg over and swing foot while scolding with one finger up
-stand up and face front, hips to one side and one big hip circle
-stick bottom to one side posing and place face in palms of both hands (been an angel all year)
-walk to back of bunny chair
-nuzzle bunny's neck and run hands briefly down chest
-walk back to chair facing side place foot on chair seat, hand on hip, lift drop hip, straight back, chest forward as you push down and pull up leg on chair
-step off chair and stroke up and down each arm one at a time
-take left hand glove off by rolling it down from the top
-when glove is off hold an end in each hand and wiggle hips then throw glove to the side
-loosen fingers of right glove then pull off with teeth
-swsing hips and cross over step turn to back to bunny
-drop glove next to foot, look over shoulder hand on hip and hand over mouth
-straighten legs and reach down slowly to pick glove up, running it slowly on leg on the way up
-turn step forward and throw glove at bunny
-walk to bunny and mount chair, hand knee,knee - missed kiss and chest circles
-step left leg to side so your back is to bunny, slap-slap and hip circles
-step left foot forward center, turn and bring right next to it and walk back accentuating hips to side
-one hand on each chair arm with back to bunny, rock and circle
-write your own ending!!!
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